Wednesday, September 18, 2024

24th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 19-09-2024

1 Cor 15:1-11 / Luke 7:36-50    

The pyramids of Egypt are a famous sight, and the Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the wonders of the ancient world.

The structure of the pyramids is similar. They are narrow at the top and the base is broad.

The pyramid is a reflection of the structure of society, where the government and leadership are the top and the common people are at the base.

In a sense, there is a quiet harmony between the top and the base, just like how a pyramid stands firmly through the ages.

The base which comprises the common people cannot and must not be neglected, because when the base is eroded and neglected, the whole structure will be in danger of collapsing.

St. Paul was a great missionary to the gentiles but in the 1st reading, he acknowledges that he is the least of the apostles because he had persecuted the Church.

But there was a conversion experience, and the grace of God worked powerfully in St. Paul.

In the gospel, the woman who had a bad name in the town had her sins forgiven by Jesus because of the great love she showed to Jesus.

Today’s readings make us aware that at the base of society, there is the presence of sinners and those who commit wicked deeds.

We must pray for their conversion that they will experience God’s forgiveness.

And like St. Paul and the woman in the gospel, they will form a firm and solid base in society.