Monday, September 2, 2024

22nd Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 03-09-2024

1 Cor 2:10-16 / Luke 4:31-37  

One of the well-known works of St. Augustine is his book called "Confessions".

It was a book that was written for the Catechumens to reflect on their spiritual journey towards baptism.

It was a book that was written based on his own spiritual journey.

In that book, St. Augustine described an occasion near the end of the life of St. Monica, his mother, who was instrumental in his conversion.

They were in Rome, in a room standing at the window, overlooking a garden.

St. Augustine wrote : "We had gone there to get away from the noisy crowd and to rest. The two of us were enjoying a very pleasant conversation.

We were asking one another, what would it be like to share the eternal life that the saints enjoy.

In the course of our conversation, the world and all its pleasure lost their attraction for us."

We heard in the 1st reading that the Spirit of God reaches the depths of everything; it reaches the depths of our hearts.

And when the Spirit reaches the depths of our hearts, we will experience what St. Augustine and St. Monica experienced.

We will experience peace and all the noisy longings of our hearts will slowly be silenced, just like how Jesus silenced the unclean spirit in the gospel.

When the Spirit of God touches the depths of our hearts, we long for nothing but God and God alone.