Sunday, September 1, 2024

22nd Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 02-09-2024

1 Cor 2:1-5 / Luke 4:16-30

If we want to convince someone about an idea or a product, we would try our best to impress.

We would highlight the benefits and the advantages and whatever we think that would convince that person.

We would use the language of the world to market or sell that idea or product.

But in the 1st reading, St. Paul proclaimed Jesus Christ without any show of oratory or philosophy.

In great fear and trembling in his speeches and sermons, he talked about Jesus as the crucified Christ.

By worldly expectations and perception, that message would be deemed a failure, or at least it won’t gain much attention.

But if anyone were to be interested or believe in that message of the crucified Christ, then it is certainly the power of the Holy Spirit that moved that person.

As St. Paul said, faith should not depend on human philosophy but on the power of God.

Let us look at the Cross and at the crucified Christ.

If we believe that Jesus died on the Cross to save us, then let us know that it is by the power of God that gave us that faith in the crucified Christ