Monday, September 9, 2024

23rd Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 10-09-2024

1 Cor 6:1-11 / Luke 6:12-19  

When it comes to family matters, it will always be good to have it discussed within the family.

Even when there are differences and disagreements, those issues still can and has to be settled and resolved within the family.

It would be embarrassing that family matters have to made known in public.

It only shows the cracks and the gaps in the relationships between the family members and also the lack of respect for the authority of the elders in the family.

In the 1st reading, St. Paul rebuked the church community at Corinth for bringing matters to pagan lawcourts instead of resolving it within themselves.

He also pointed out that those who were appointed to resolve issues were not respected in the Church.

The problem was that the members of the community were doing the wronging and the cheating to themselves.

Even when Jesus appointed the Twelve, there was one of them who became a traitor.

The reality is that the Church is human and hence there are flaws and weaknesses in those who are appointed as leaders.

But the Church is also divine, as Jesus Christ is the Head, and we the Church are members of His Body.

The Church may be weak and flawed, but God’s grace will still prevail.

Let us pray that the leaders of the Church will be focused on the mission of the Church, and that is to forgive and save sinners.