Thursday, September 19, 2024

24th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 20-09-2024

1 Cor 15:12-20 / Luke 8:1-3 

The rapid development of science and technology can be said to be phenomenal. 

And with the rise of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and the incorporation of it into science and technology, the future seems exciting.

What was imagination and non-realities in the science-fiction movies are becoming realities and even becoming available in the consumer market.

But when it comes to the spiritual development of the human person and humanity in general, there seems to be not much publicity.

Maybe the secular world wants to avoid business being involved with religion.

But the human person is also a spiritual person, and humanity has a spiritual dimension to it.

In the 1st reading, when St. Paul talked about the Resurrection of Christ, he also said that if our hope in Christ has been for this life only, we are the most unfortunate of all people.

Because as Christians, we have been raised to a higher spiritual life and our mission is to help others develop the spiritual dimension of their lives.

So with science and technology, man can reach outer space.

But it is only with Jesus, that we can reach the inner space of our hearts, and have our hope in God, in this world, as well as in the next.