Tuesday, September 3, 2024

22nd Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 04-09-2024

1 Cor 3:1-9 / Luke 4:38-44  

If others were to give an honest opinion of us as Christians, would they say that we are different from non-Christians?

Or would they say that we are no different from non-Christians, and maybe at times behave in a lesser way than them!

In the 1st reading, St. Paul would not accept that Christians in Corinth were behaving like non-Christians and even regressing into behaviours like jealousy and wrangling.

They were even dividing themselves into unspiritual clans with slogans like "I am for Paul" and "I am for Apollos".

Obviously they had forgotten the teaching and example of Jesus of which we saw in the gospel.

Jesus loved and cared for the people by teaching them and healing the sick and He restored the spiritual dimension in the lives of the people.

In fact, He Himself highlighted how important the spiritual aspect is when He would go to a lonely place early in the day to pray.

People saw how different Jesus was and what an extraordinary life He lived.

They saw the spiritual dimension in His life and they experienced God's presence in Him.

Jesus showed us how to live life. We cannot live it any lesser.