Thursday, September 5, 2024

22nd Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 06-09-2024

1 Cor 4:1-5 / Luke 5:33-39  

Life has a way of putting its weight on the more important things.

That weight hangs on our hearts and it won’t be lifted unless we attend to those important things.

That weight can be called the weight of duty.

In the 1st reading, St. Paul says that people must think of us as Christ’s servants.

As Christ’s servants, we are also stewards entrusted with the mysteries of God.

And as stewards, we should be found worthy of what we are entrusted with.

God has entrusted us with His love, and we live out that love by doing what we are called to in our vocation in life.

So whether it is in marriage, or as a parent, or as a priest or religious, we are entrusted with the duty of love.

When we choose not to love, not only are we unfaithful to our duty and to what we are entrusted with.

There is also a weight on our hearts and we feel burdened in life.

Let us be faithful in carrying out the call and the duty of love.

Then our hearts will be light and free, and we will also want to love more and more.