Wednesday, July 31, 2024

17th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 01-08-2024

Jeremiah 18:1-6 / Matthew 13:47-53  

Thursday 01-08-2024

In life, there are things that we think we would understand immediately because it is simple and obvious.

But the simple and obvious may have deeper shades of meaning than what we would initially think.

An example would be language. The same words may have different means when said or read in different ways.

The gospel parable may seem clear and simple enough.

We would understand it as the judgement between the good and evil.

Jesus then asked His disciples if they understood  the parable, and they said yes.

Then He said that every scribe who becomes a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his storeroom things both new and old.

We may wonder what that means in relation to the parable.

It may mean that as much as there is judgement between the good and evil, there can also be a further understanding of the judgement of God.

The 1st reading gives us an image of the potter and the clay.

Whenever the vessel that the potter is making came out wrong, he would start afresh and work with the clay again. 

The potter does not discard the clay, but works on it again.

The gospel parable reminds us that there will be the final judgement.

But meanwhile, God continues to work on us to mold us into His beautiful image.

So, the final judgement is something we already know and that is not new to us.

But God’s love continues to mold us, so as we approach the day of our own judgement, may we come before the Lord our God as beautiful and new images of His love.