Wednesday, July 17, 2024

15th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 18-07-2024

Isaiah 26:7-9, 12, 16-19 / Matthew 11:28-30  

We know how it feels like when there is something bothering us.

It could be some work that we have been procrastinating.

Or it could be something improper that we have done and we keep covering it up.

Whatever it may be, it bothers us and our hearts are not really at peace.

The 1st reading says that the path of the upright man is straight and smooth.

And it says that the Lord wants to give us peace when our spirit longs and seeks to learn the meaning of integrity.

But we can only have that peace when our deeds express what we long for.

So when we feel that something is bothering us, let us listen to what Jesus is saying to us.

Jesus calls out to us to come to Him, we who labour and are overburdened, and He will give us rest.

In that restful silence before the Lord, He will teach us how to face our burdens with a gentle and a humble heart.

With a gentle and a humble heart, we will learn integrity, and we will be able to put to rest whatever is bothering us.