Friday, July 19, 2024

15th Week, Ordinary Time, Saturday, 20-07-2024

Micah 2:1-5 / Matthew 12:14-21  

To fight fire with fire is a saying that we hear quite often.

But with a deeper reflection, we may wonder if that is a good way to go about addressing evil in the world.

It may stop evil doers momentarily, but when we fight fire with fire, it will end up with a bigger fire and we might also get burnt.

And of course, with the cunningness of evil, we may be tricked from being fire-fighters to becoming fire-starters.

In the gospel, the Pharisees began to plot against Jesus and wanted to destroy Him.

However, Jesus didn’t react with fighting fire with fire.

Instead, He withdrew from the district, and this is to fulfill the prophecy:
He will not brawl or shout, nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets.

So whenever we are taunted, or insulted, or mocked, or being made fun of, let us not fight fire with fire.

Rather let us walk away and withdraw from that fiery moment.

We may feel crushed but we will not be broken. 

Let us believe that the way of Jesus is the way of truth that will eventually lead to victory over the fire.

Let us remember that fire will eventually burn itself out. Let us be wise enough not to be burnt by it.