Tuesday, July 16, 2024

15th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 17-07-2024

Isaiah 10:5-7, 13-16 / Matthew 11:25-27   

It is certainly good to acknowledge the work and the contributions of people and to give them credit.

It is a form of affirmation and encouragement.

It is also a recognition of their talents and abilities.

In receiving acknowledgement and recognition, there is also a need for humility.

Because we can be easily carried away with pride to think that we did it on our own abilities and resources.

In the 1st reading, God had used Assyria to inflict punishment on His people in order to make them come to their senses and turn back to God.

But Assyria went too far in destroying and killing and even took pride in having such power.

So, God pronounced judgement on Assyria, and it will be Assyria’s turn to face what they did to others.

In the gospel, Jesus says that God reveals Himself to children.

The wonderful spirituality of children is their humility, simplicity and dependence on others.

May we understand that spirituality of humility and simplicity and know that we depend totally on God for our existence and sustenance.

And God will use us to do wonderful and marvelous deeds for His glory.