Monday, July 15, 2024

15th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 16-07-2024

Isaiah 7:1-9 / Matthew 11:20-24   

In the history of humanity, we can see a certainty.

Kingdoms rise and fade, personalities want to make a name for themselves and the legacy they leave behind is only a memory.

In other words, all things will pass, whether it is kingdoms or persons.

The cities that Jesus mentioned in the gospel were great and famous during their time.

But as it is now, those cities are in ruins and that is the only proof that once upon a time, they existed.

For all their glory, wealth and prosperity, all that has passed and what remain are lifeless monuments.

In the 1st reading, the enemies of God’s people joined forces and wanted to conquer them.

God announced through the prophet Isaiah that it would not happen.

But Judah, and the House of David, can only survive if they believe and do what God says and it is this:
If you do not stand by me, you will not stand at all.

As it was with Judah and the House of David then, so it is now for us.

Let us stand by God and be faithful and trust in Him and in His ways.

Because all glory and power belongs to God alone, and in God we will stand firm and have a future.