Thursday, July 11, 2024

14th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 12-07-2024

Hosea 14:2-10 / Matthew 10:16-23  

The world may not say it aloud, but the world needs to see virtues.

Virtues are what make the world more human and more caring.

Virtuous people are like flowers in the sand.

They struggle to be virtuous and to be faithful to God.

But when they continue to grow in the sand, the world will be amazed and even inspired.

In the gospel, Jesus gave an image of virtuous people.

They are like sheep among wolves.

But they will still stand firm in their faith and keep holding on to their virtues.

To be faithful to God and to live virtuous lives are like flowers growing in the sand and like sheep among wolves.

But let us hold on to the faith and keep living virtuous lives.

Because the world needs to see the power of faith and the beauty of virtue.