Thursday, August 1, 2024

17th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 02-08-2024

Jeremiah 26:1-9 / Matthew 13:54-58   

When it comes to knowing about God, we have to rely on divine revelation.

God reveals Himself through the Bible, He reveals Himself through the Church, He reveals Himself through our relationships and experiences.

So God has revealed Himself and He keeps revealing Himself to us.

We cannot think that we know all about God or that there is nothing more He will reveal to us.

And often, God reveals Himself in the simple, ordinary and familiar people around us.

But as familiarity breeds contempt, these people are often overlooked, disregarded and dismissed.

That happened to Jeremiah in the 1st reading, when he spoke the Word of God, and he even got persecuted for it.

It also happened to Jesus in Hs own hometown as He was rejected by His own people.

Let us not overlook, or disregard, or dismiss the simple, ordinary and familiar people around us.

God will reveal Himself and speak through them. 

And through them, we will know more about God and what He wants to tell us.