Tuesday, July 9, 2024

14th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 10-07-2024

Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13 / Matthew 9:32-38  

We can’t deny that we desire for a comfortable life.

We may not be looking for luxuries or the pleasures of life.

But we do want to sleep peacefully, eat well and be happy.

And if we do prosper and become wealthy, then that would be a bonus.

In short, we hope for a better life.

But would a better life also help us to be better persons?

In the 1st reading, Israel become wealthy and prosperous. 

They were having a good life, better than before.

But that good and better life didn’t help them become a good and better people of God.

On the contrary, wealth and prosperity made them forget about God and they even turned to worship idols.

We hope for a better life, and God would certainly want to bless us with a better life.

And when we get to have a better life, let us also be a better people of God.

Let us not forget that all good things come from God, and let us give thanks to God for His blessings.