Monday, August 19, 2024

20th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 20-08-2024

Ezekiel 28:1-10 / Matthew 19:23-30  

To be successful is certainly a good feeling.

Success also has a sweet taste and makes us crave for more.

And when there is success in the economic and military fronts, then a ruler or a king would certainly be proud of his achievements.

Being rich, wealthy and powerful are certainly achievements to be proud of.

But with it comes a warning, because pride comes before the fall.

In the 1st reading, the ruler of the city of Tyre was swollen with pride for his successes.

He began to think that he was a god and invincible.

And he also threatened God’s people with his military might.

So the one true God had to bring down that being who thought he was god just because he was successful.

It may be difficult for the rich and the wealthy, the powerful and the successful to understand the kingdom of God.

But it is not impossible. What is needed is humility, simplicity and charity.

And also to acknowledge that all human successes are blessings from God.