Thursday, August 15, 2024

19th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 16-08-2024

Ezekiel 16:1-15, 60, 63 / Matthew 19:3-12 

When it comes to looking for solutions, we would be inclined to go for the easiest one.

So, when it comes to hanging something on a wall, we would rather hammer a nail into to wall than to drill a hole into the wall and screw in a hook.

Both ways will work but we know that a nail on the wall is not as secure as a hook screwed into the wall.

The human tendency is to go for the easiest solution and the path of least resistance.

When the Pharisees wanted to test Jesus about the question of divorce, they wanted to make Him say that divorce is acceptable.

But Jesus brought them back to beginning of creation and God’s intention for marriage between a man and woman.

There will be challenges and difficulties in marriage, and to keep the love in marriage is a long and winding road that leads to a narrow gate.

In the 1st reading, God could have easily abandoned His people when they were unfaithful and ungrateful and disobeyed the Lord.

But God showed us that He forgave His people even when they didn’t deserve it.

To forgive is a difficult choice, especially when we think the other party does not deserve it or does not appreciate it.

But when we make that difficult choice of loving and forgiving, God will bless us for it.

Yes, God will bless those who want to be like Him in loving and forgiving.