Monday, August 26, 2024

21st Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 27-08-2024

2 Thess 2:1-3, 14-17 / Matthew 23:23-26  

In life, it is necessary to know what is important and essential.

When we know that, then we will know how to live our lives and be happy.

So besides our basic human needs, what else is there that we think is important and essential?

In the gospel, Jesus pointed out how the scribes and Pharisees lost their focus and understanding of life and faith.

They pay tithes on things but neglected the important matters of the Law like justice and mercy.

What they did was to attract attention and to impress people.

And to make it even clearer, Jesus said that what they are doing is like cleaning the outside of cup and dish and leaving the inside unclean.

In the 1st reading, St. Paul reminded the Thessalonians of what is important and essential, and not to be deceived and misled.

They must stand firm in the teachings and the promises of God that is proclaimed in the Good News.

And God will comfort us and strengthen our hope.

In a world of distractions and pleasure, we need to be focused on what is eternal and keep our minds and hearts on the glory that God has promised us.