Monday, August 5, 2024

18th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 05-08-2024

Jeremiah 28:1-17 / Matthew 14:13-21

When we look at the troubles that our world is facing, we wonder what kind of future lies ahead.

The ecology of our world is in an alarming and critical state.

But the world seems to be more concerned about making money and having more wealth.

The world seems to resort to war and violence and trying to prove who is more powerful.

The world seems to avoid the real human issues and focusing on pleasures and luxuries.

As in the 1st reading, the prophet Hananiah resorted to a false message in order to find appease the people.

But he had to pay with the price of his life when the prophet Jeremiah exposed his false prophecy.

In the gospel, the disciples wanted to take the easy solution of sending away the crowd of over 5,000 to fend for themselves.

The disciples had only five loaves and two fish and it was not even enough for them.

But Jesus taught the disciples that when they take on the problem even with meagre and mediocre resources, God’s blessings will be enough.

Let us also learn that lesson, that when we face the real problems of life, let us ask for God’s blessings.

With God’s blessings, we will have solutions and also hope for the future.