Friday, August 2, 2024

17th Week, Ordinary Time, Saturday, 03-08-2024

Jeremiah 26:11-16, 24 / Matthew 14:1-12  

In this world, life is difficult for those who are lowly and the poor.

Whereas the high and mighty will always get their way.

And often the high and mighty will just push aside the lowly and poor.

In the 1st reading, the prophet Jeremiah bravely proclaimed the Word of God.

But his message was rejected by the priests and the prophets.

Jeremiah was a threat to them, and with their high and mighty influence, the priests and prophets wanted to do away with him.

But the officials and all the people came to the help of Jeremiah and they prevented the priests and prophets from harming Jeremiah.

But in the gospel, John the Baptist was at the mercy of Herod and Herodias. 

Even the daughter of Herodias had a say in the fate of John the Baptist.

But as much as the high and mighty may have their way, they will have reckon with God.

So, even though John the Baptist lost his life to the high and mighty, the memory of his death haunted Herod.

The justice of God is that He will cast down the high and mighty, and raise up the lowly.

Let us not fear the high and mighty. Rather let us surrender to the authority of God the almighty, and He will protect and take care of us.