Thursday, August 29, 2024

21st Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 30-08-2024

1 Cor 1:17-25 / Matthew 25:1=13  

When a sentence begins with the word “obviously” or “it is obvious”, it may not be that clear as to what really is obvious.

In other words, what is obvious to some may not be that obvious to others.

And what some people see as something that needs to be done, others may not see it that way.

In the gospel parable, there were five sensible bridesmaids and five foolish ones.

What was obvious to the five sensible bridesmaids is that they need to bring extra oil for their lamps.

But the other five foolish bridesmaids seem oblivious that they didn’t have extra oil, until it was too late.

To be sensible is to know what is the obvious and to do what needs to be done.

But that would also require some enlightenment from God and we also need to pray for the blessing to be wise and sensible.

Let us pray that God will open our eyes, our minds and our hearts.

Then we will be able to see the obvious and do what needs to be done.