Thursday, June 6, 2024

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Friday, 07-06-2024

Hosea 11:1, 3-4, 8-9 / Ephesians 3:8-12, 14-19 / John 19:31-37  

There are some acts that are considerate as inhumane and a disregard of the human dignity.

Examples of these acts are torture and possible causing death.

Mutilation is an act of physical injury that degrades the appearance or function of any living body, sometimes causing death.

Mutilation of a human body could be intentional or unintentional during life, or after death, and it is a barbaric act.

Jesus was already dead when the soldier used the lance to pierce the side.

It may not mean much to the soldier but it was a terrible and horrible act.

Out of His pierced side immediately came out blood and water.

From the human perspective, it is a gross mutilation of the dead body.

But from the divine perspective, it was turned into a revelation.

The Heart of God was revealed to the world, and with it was the Blood that redeemed humanity from sin and the water of forgiveness.

In the feast of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, God revealed His love for us in signs and symbols that we, as human beings, can understand deeply.

We open our hearts to receive the precious Blood of Jesus and the water that cleanses our sinful hearts.

As we contemplate on the pierced Sacred Heart of Jesus, let us ask Jesus to make our hearts like His.

And we unite our hearts with His Sacred Heart as we offer prayer and reparation for our salvation and for the salvation of the world.