Wednesday, June 26, 2024

12th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 27-06-2024

2 Kings 24:8-17 / Matthew 7:21-29  

A house is a building made of stones and bricks and joined by cement and other materials.

A house becomes a home when people live in it and share their lives and help each other out.

Whether it is a family or a group of people staying together, what are the values that are shared and learnt?

When the family or group of people are enriching each other’s lives with good values and practices, then it can be truly called a home.

And it is a home that is built on rock because the values and practices help to build lives and help the members in the home to become better persons.

Jesus said in the gospel, that everyone who listens to Him and acts on His words are like sensible persons who built their houses on rock.

Rain came down, floods rose, gales blew and hurled themselves against that house, and it did not fall; it was founded on rock.

Let us build our house on the rock of the teachings of Jesus, so that our house will be a home of love.

And let us also let Jesus make His home in our hearts. 

Then our lives will be built on the rock of God’s love and we will stand firm always.