Thursday, June 13, 2024

10th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 14-06-2024

1 Kings 19:, 11-16 / Matthew 5:27-32  

What often captures our attention are visuals that are bright and striking.

And when it comes to audio, what we often hear are the loud and booming sounds.

When it comes to audio and visuals, it is often the loud and booming sounds, and the bright and striking that overwhelms our senses.

In this loud, noisy and dazzling world, we may have forgotten what is serene and tranquil.

We may have forgotten to observe the details, or unable to hear the little gentle sounds.

In the 1st reading, the mighty wind, the earthquake and the fire are indeed overwhelming and even frightening.

Then came the sound of a gentle breeze and when Elijah heard it, he knew it was the presence of God.

In this loud and noisy world, it is difficult to hear that soft gentle voice of God, which is the voice of our conscience.

It is often that soft gentle voice that warns us of the danger of sin, like lust, greed and selfishness.

It is in coming for Mass, for Devotion, for prayer that we turn away from the loud and dazzling.

Let us rest our hearts and minds in the peace of the Lord and then we will be able to listen to what He wants to say to us.