Tuesday, June 25, 2024

12th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 26-06-2024

2 Kings 22:8-13; 23:1-3 / Matthew 7:15-20  

Among the other things that others want to see in us Christians, it will be how we live our lives.

And since they know that we are Christians, then obviously they will look at how we live and what we say and think.

And that would bring us to the essence of our faith and what we should be doing as Christians.

As Christians, we ought to be a people of prayer.

Whether as individuals or as a community, we must be grounded and rooted in prayer.

It is in prayer that we turn to God for His blessings to live out the life that He wants us to live.

It is in prayer that we bear the fruits of our faith.

As Jesus said in the gospel, others will be able to tell what kind of Christians we are by the fruits of our lives.

May our lives be holy and to bear fruits of love that will lead others to God, and also fruits of love that will do good for others.