Monday, June 3, 2024

9th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 04-06-2024

2 Peter 3:11-15, 17-18 / Mark 12:13-17  

The definition of politics is the science or art of political government. That is understood with the good of the people in mind.

Politicking is an activity undertaken for political reasons or ends, or otherwise, promoting oneself or one's policies.

In the latter understanding, it could mean a maneuvering or scheming for power.

So given the understanding of politics and politicking as understood in that sense, we are able to see which of the two is the undesirable.

In the gospel, the question of paying taxes was not so much of a political question but a politicking question.

It was a question set out to trap Jesus and to catch Him out in His reply.

But to that politicking question, Jesus gave a political as well as a spiritual answer.

By saying "Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar - and to God what belongs to God", Jesus was not making a dichotomy between the two entities.

Rather He was speaking of an integrity - what "belongs" to Caesar, in reality belongs to God!

Even the 1st reading urged us to live holy and saintly lives, and that means being good and loyal citizens of our country.

It even urged us not to get carried away by the errors of unprincipled people, possibly referring to those who engage in politicking, whether be it in the affairs of the country or of the workplace or even in church.

We must remember that it does not matter what man may try to plot against the Lord and His anointed ones, God’s purpose will still come to pass.

Our mission is to make the world a place where righteousness will be at home.