Wednesday, June 12, 2024

10th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 13-06-2024

1 Kings 18:41-46 / Matthew 5:20-26  

There are certain human characteristics or qualities that are good to emulate.

If we want to be successful and achieve our goals in life, then there are two characteristics or qualities that we need to have.

They are perseverance and persistence.

With these two qualities and characteristics, we will be able to overcome setbacks and failures.

It is also with these two qualities that we will be patient with ourselves and with others.

And with faith, we will use these two qualities to put our trust in God.

In the 1st reading, the prophet Elijah told his servant to look out into the sea.

The servant came back and replied that there was nothing.

Elijah then told the servant to go back seven times.

The seventh time, the servant told Elijah that there was a cloud, small as a man's hand, rising from the sea.

And following that, the sky grew dark with cloud and storm, and the rain fell in torrents.

It was the perseverance and persistence of Elijah’s faith that God opened the skies and poured down rain after the long drought.

Let us persevere and persist with faith in our prayer and God will shower down His blessings upon us.