Tuesday, June 4, 2024

9th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 05-06-2024

2 Tim 1:1-3, 6-12 / Mark 12:18-27 

It is a common human desire that we want to enjoy life.

We want to be comfortable and have the good things of life.

So, money and wealth become a priority in life because it is the means to our desires.

But as we focus on getting the comforts and luxuries of this life, have we given a thought about the afterlife?

For the Sadducees, their denial of the resurrection led them to think about only the life in this world.

So for them, this life is all there is, and they want to enjoy this life as much as possible.

And in wanting to reinforce their idea about this life, they will think up of ridiculous situations to make the afterlife seem ridiculous too.

And hence they presented that situation of that one woman who was married to all the seven brothers, and they asked Jesus about what happens to them in the afterlife.

That thinking of the Sadducees is still widespread in today’s world as there are people who only think of getting rich and wealthy and enjoying the comforts and luxuries of life.

But for us Christians, we live our lives here on earth with the hope of the glory of the eternal life in heaven.

We witness to that hope by putting our trust in the God of love who will provide for our needs and give us His blessings to live life joyfully.

Let us always remember that enjoyment of this world can never outlast nor be compared to the eternal joy of being with God in heaven.