Sunday, June 27, 2021

13th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 28-06-2021

Genesis 18:16-33 / Matthew 8:18-22    

The city of Sodom was a relatively big city during the time of its existence.

A reasonable estimate of the population of that city could be about 50,000 or more

Abraham pleaded with God that if there were 50 just persons in that city, would God spare that city?

50 out of 50,000 is only 0.1%, so in theory 50 just persons should not be too difficult to find.

Abraham could have immediately gone in search of those 50 persons.

Instead he went on to so-called "bargain" with God until it was settled at 10 persons.

We may admire Abraham's boldness to keep pleading with God and reducing the number to 10.

But what must come across is God's mercy and compassion. 

God will forgive us our sins when we turn to Him in repentance and in humility.

Let us not take God's mercy and compassion for granted and may He find us living just and virtuous lives.