Monday, June 7, 2021

10th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 08-06-2021

2 Cor 1:18-22 / Matthew 5:13-16    
Between a "Yes" and a "No", the human tendency is to say "No".

To say "Yes" would mean that it will require a commitment and to fulfil what was requested by the other.

To say "No" would be certainly easier. But it also means that the discussion and the direction have come to a stop and a stand-still.

In the 1st reading, St. Paul said that the Christ Jesus that they proclaim was never Yes and No. With Christ Jesus, it was always Yes, and however many the promises God made, the Yes to them all is in Him.

Jesus said Yes to God and it was all the way to the Cross.

And through Jesus, God is also saying Yes to us in forgiving and saving us.

May we too say Yes to God and to be the salt of the earth and light to the world and be witnesses to God's promise to the world.