Tuesday, June 15, 2021

11th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 16-06-2021

2 Cor 9:6-11 / Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18      

A cup that is half-filled with water can give a couple of reflections.

Some say it is half-empty, while others say it is half-filled, depending on the perspective.

But whether it is half-empty or half-filled, it can also be re-filled.

And in order to be re-filled with fresh water, then it would be better to empty the cup, regardless of whether it is half-empty or half-filled.

A cup of water can show us some truth about life, and that is, in order to be renewed, then we also need to pour out our lives in love and in service of others.

The 1st reading reminds us of the practice of generosity, that we are called to give of ourselves for the good of others.

It is in giving that we will also received, we will be renewed with the living water that God will pour into our lives.

The gospel also tells us to empty ourselves of hypocrisy or attention seeking, so that in letting go of ourselves, we let God come and fill our lives.

Let us not be like stagnant water in a cup. When we empty ourselves for God and for others, we will be refilled with the living water of God's love and we will be able to do all the generous things which are the cause of thanksgiving to God.