Thursday, June 10, 2021

10th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 10-06-2021

2 Cor 3:15 - 4:1, 3-6 / Matthew 5:20-276    

Adjectives are used to describe a person's character or personality.

Such adjectives can be positive or negative, and it can be encouraging or insulting.

But when a noun is used to describe a person, it can have quite a different meaning.

While adjectives describe the expressions of a person, nouns indicate what the person is.

So to call a person a "fool" or "renegade" is certainly derogatory and insulting.

That is why in the gospel, Jesus addressed the matter of the use of nouns on a person.

It is not just derogatory and insulting to the person, it is also an insult and a criticism level at God who made all human beings in His image.

So let us be careful and be aware of what nouns we are using on a person.

What nouns we use on a person, we may be saying something about God.