Monday, June 21, 2021

12th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 21-06-2021

 Genesis 12:1-9 / Matthew 7:1-5    

In Singapore, a person attains the status of "senior citizen" when he or she reaches the age of 60.

Along with that status are some benefits like public transport concessions, grocery discounts and medical subsidies.

But with that age, it also means that life is going to slow down and the need to relax and enjoy life.

Not many people would really think of doing something new and challenging when they are 75 years-old.

But in the 1st reading, God called Abram to leave his country and his relations and set off to an unknown land that God will show him.

God also promised him that a great nation will descend from him.

Abram responded and did what the Lord told him even at the age of 75.

Abram is not just a model of faith but also an example of availability to the call of the Lord.

God does not look at our suitability and capabilities.

He asks for our availability. Let us like Abram, respond with faith.