We have this instinct for self-preservation and survival.
When we come face-to-face with danger or a threat, this instinct will kick in.
So it is either we fight or we run away. That is our instinct.
What Jesus said in the gospel is a teaching that goes against our instinct, when He tells us to offer the wicked man no resistance.
And even going further than that, it is letting the wicked do whatever they like to us.
That does not make sense, until we listen to what St. Paul tells us this in the 1st reading.
For God says: At the favourable time, I have listened to you; on the day of salvation I came to your help.
We don't not just act on instinct alone. We also live by faith.
Faith tells us that God will listen to us and come to our help when the wicked want to threaten or harm us.
Resisting the wicked will only result in loss of eyes and teeth.
We must let God come to our help and we will see His saving power protecting us.