Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Wednesday Within Easter Octave, 07-04-2021

Acts 3:1-10 / Luke 24:13-35    

In the journey of life, we don't walk alone or walk just by ourselves.

In the journey of life, we walk with others or at least we walk with someone.

In the gospel, we heard of the two disciples on the journey from Jerusalem to a village called Emmaus.

Although they had each other for company, it was a miserable journey.

They were downcast about what had happened to Jesus and they were disappointed and their hopes in Jesus were lost.

Jesus came to walk with them and much later at the breaking of bread, He revealed Himself to them. Their hearts were on fire as they returned that instant to Jerusalem to tell the Good News to the rest of the disciples

In the 1st reading, Peter and John were on their way to the Temple, when they came across a crippled man begging from them.

And Peter made this profound statement: I have neither silver nor gold; but I give you what I have: in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, walk! And the crippled man was healed.

In life, we walk with each other and we walk together with Jesus. 

We share the love of Jesus with each other and we share that love with those we meet along the way.

With Jesus and with His love, the journey of life is a beautiful and wonderful journey.