Sunday, April 4, 2021

Monday within Easter Octave, 05-04-2021

Acts 2:14, 22-33 / Matthew 28:8-15

For the past 6 weeks of the season of Lent and especially over the Holy Triduum, we had gone through a flurry of activities.

There were Stations of the Cross on Fridays, and fasting and abstinence and penance, and Reconciliation services.

All these makes the season of Lent seem like a very busy time.

Now that the season of Easter is here, it seems that so much has been scaled down and there is nothing much to do.

Yes, there is actually nothing much to do. We are just like the disciples who also do not know what to do when they heard the news of the resurrection.

In fact the ones who were scurrying about trying to do something were the guards and the elders, as we heard in the gospel.

They had to do something to cover up the truth. But the truth can never be concealed or suppressed. And that is the power of the resurrection.

As we heard Peter say in the 1st reading - You killed Him, but God raised Him up to life, freeing Him from the pangs of Hades, for it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.

The power of the resurrection will lead us to the truth. We just have to let go of our sinfulness and false securities and let God raise us up to life.