Tuesday, April 13, 2021

2nd Week of Easter, Wednesday, 14-04-2021

Acts 5:17-26 / John 3:16-21     

Following instructions are not always as easy as it seems, although it can be clear.

That is because we have this tendency of not doing as we are told.

It is not just with authorities and superiors that that we have this reluctance or defiance.

Even with God's commandments and precepts, we doubt, question and even disobey.

But in the 1st reading, we heard that when the angel of the Lord opened the prison gates and led the apostles out and told them to go to the Temple and tell the others about the New Life, they did as they were told.

The docility of the apostles is truly edifying for us as they could have doubted and disagreed with what they were told and choose to remain in the prison and not get into further trouble.

But their docility and in doing what God told them to do is because they believed in the New Life of the Resurrection.

As the gospel puts it, everyone who believes in Jesus will have that New Life on earth, a New Life that leads to the eternal life of heaven.

May we believe, may we obey and do what God wants of us so that we will be freed from the prison of disobedience and live in the freedom of the New Life of the Resurrection.