Wednesday, April 21, 2021

3rd Week of Easter, Thursday, 22-04-2021

Acts 8:26-40 / John 6:44-51         

Good speakers are not just people who can talk non-stop. 

Good speakers are articulate and also eloquent.

To be articulate means to be able to speak well and clearly, and using the proper words and grammar to get the point across. 

Eloquent means to speak well and clearly, as well as making the listeners feel something in the spoken words.

As a preacher, Jesus is articulate. And He is also eloquent in that He makes the listeners feel something about what He said as well as to draw a response from them.

In the gospel, as He talks about Himself as the bread of life, the listeners may not be stirred until He said this:

"Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever, and the bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world."

And as we listen to this, which is not something new or surprising to us, we must also make a renewed response to Jesus, our Bread of Life, and believe that it is His flesh that we are partaking of.

When we truly believe that, then it is not just by our words that we profess our faith.

It will be and must be with our lives that we witness that we are the Body of Christ.