Thursday, April 1, 2021

Good Friday 2021, 02.04.2021

Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12 / Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9 / John 18:1 - 19:42

As we enter into the second day of the Holy Triduum, we are confronted with the reality of the Cross. 

As we contemplate on the sufferings of Jesus, the reality of the Cross comes with it full force. 

Jesus was nailed to the Cross, and He hung on it till he died. 

So, the cross meant suffering, pain and death. That was the reality of the Cross and we see that reality happening to Jesus. 

But even as Jesus died on the Cross, the Cross does not have the final say. 

Not only does it not have the final say, the whole tragic meaning and reality of the Cross was changed because of Jesus. 

As the gospel mentioned, “not one bone of his was broken” and “they will look on the one they have pierced”. 

Yes, we look at Jesus nailed to the Cross and we believe that through the Cross, He has conquered sin, evil and death. 

So later we will adore the Cross on which hung the Saviour of the world. 

And we will also pick up our cross and carry it and follow Jesus our Saviour. 

Because in the cross is our salvation.