Thursday, April 8, 2021

Friday Within Easter Octave, 09-04-2021

Acts 4:1-12 / John 21:1-14        

The mystery of the Resurrection of Jesus is certainly the greatest mystery of our faith.

It is with faith that we continue to contemplate the mystery of the Resurrection and to enter deeper into that mystery.

That will certainly take time but with prayer and meditation, we will slowly grow in our understanding of who Jesus is.

And we may even wish that we are able to "see" the Risen Lord Jesus, just as the disciples did, and then we will be able to understand what the Resurrection is about. 

But will "seeing" help us to believe immediately and that there will be no more questions?

For the disciples in the gospel, even though the Risen Lord Jesus had appeared to them before, they were still in a daze over what had happened.

Even when Jesus appeared to them again, they were still unsure and uncertain about what to do, although they knew quite well it was it Risen Lord Jesus.

But in the 1st reading, those same disciples have come to a conviction about Jesus and His Resurrection and proclaimed Him in the presence of the rulers, elders and the scribes.

May we reflect and meditate on the Resurrection of Jesus and who He is for us and may we come to a conviction about Jesus and be empowered to be His witnesses.