Thursday, April 15, 2021

2nd Week of Easter, Friday, 16-04-2021

Acts 5:34-42 / John 6:1-15       

We know that time and tide wait for no man.

In other words, no one can determine when things will happen or how it will happen.

But we also know that all time belongs to God and things happen in His time and for a reason.

At the appointed time, God sent His Son into the world to begin the work of salvation.

When Jesus sent forth His disciples to preach the Good News of salvation, there were difficulties and oppositions.

But as the Pharisee Gamaliel said in the 1st reading, "If this enterprise, this movement of theirs, is of human origin, it will break up of its own accord. But if it does in fact come from God, you will not only be unable to destroy them, but you might find yourselves fighting against God."

So if things happen, it is always for a reason. And if things don't happen, it is also for a reason.

But whatever happens, it all happens in God's time and in God's plan.

We must put our faith and trust in God and go along with His time and with His plan.