Friday, May 26, 2023

7th Week of Easter, Saturday, 27-05-2023

Acts 28:16-20, 30-31 / John 21:20-25     

One of the symbols of Jesus is the “Alpha” and the “Omega”.

In other words, Jesus is the beginning and the end.

Another symbol for God is the circle, because, like a circle, God has no beginning and no end.

So, in a way, the same can be said of Jesus.

Although the symbol for Jesus is the “Alpha” and the “Omega”, in reality, Jesus is God who has no beginning and no end.

As we meditate and reflect deeper on this, today’s gospel passage brings us to the end of the gospel of John.

But the gospel, the Word of God, has no end, as it continues on in our lives.

In the 1st reading, the Good News continued on the life of St. Paul.

Similarly, let us continue to live out the gospel in our lives.

Even when our lives come to an end on this earth, our life begins in heaven.

So even for us, life has no ending. That is what eternal life is about. And that is also what we must share with others.