Thursday, May 4, 2023

4th Week of Easter, Friday, 05-05-2023

Acts 13:26-33 / John 14:1-6     

As much as the future is uncertain, still we need to have directions.

We need to have directions so that we can keep on moving and not stagnate.

But even as we move on, we may wonder what lies ahead of us.

Even without looking too far ahead, we already have troubles to deal with in the present.

If that is so for the present, we may not have that high or bright hopes for the future.

But Jesus tells us not to let our hearts be troubled, and to trust in God and to trust in Him.

He tells us that there are many rooms in His Father’s house, and He is going to prepare a place for us.

And He will take us to that place that He has prepared for us.

So as much as there are troubles in the present, as well as troubles in the future, yet we journey on with hope.

Our hope is not for a better future. Rather our hope is for an eternal future, a future that our Lord Jesus has prepared for us.

So we know where we are going, and with Jesus as our Way, our Truth and our Life, we will journey on with hope for that eternal dwelling that He has promised us.