Thursday, May 18, 2023

6th Week of Easter, Friday, 19-05-2023

Acts 18:9-18 / John 16:20-23

The mystery of life is that, among other things, it has a spectrum of emotions.

There is happiness and gladness, and there is also sadness and unhappiness.

And of course, we may wonder why can’t we be always happy in life.

Or we may even ask why is there so much unhappiness in life. 

And with that, it will be inevitable that we may even ask what is the meaning of life, if life has so much unhappiness.

But we also need to acknowledge that there are happy moments in life.

And as much as happy moments do not last long, neither do sad moments.

Jesus said in the gospel that we will have sadness but our sorrow will turn to joy.

He gave the example of a woman in childbirth in labour pains but her joy will be in her newborn baby.

And as we think about the sufferings of Jesus on the Cross, He endured the pain and even died, but through His suffering and death, He won for us eternal life and victory over sin.

In our sufferings and sorrow, let us look at Jesus on the Cross, and He will give us the hope of the joy and happiness to come.