Friday, May 12, 2023

5th Week of Easter, Saturday, 13-05-2023

Acts 16:1-10 / John 15:18-21    

Many inventions were made possible because ideas were put into action.

And those ideas came about largely through inspiration in one form or another.

So it can be said that inventions come about through a combination of inspiration and the human intellect.

But it also needs to be said that inspiration has the element of divine revelation.

God who is the author of all creation inspires the human mind to new inventions and developments.

God continues to create through the inventions of humanity by inspiring the human mind.

In the 1st reading, as the early Church continues with the mission of spreading the Good News, the disciples were doing it not by their own initiative.

Rather, it was by the direction of the Holy Spirit and the revelation from God that they went to where they were sent.

May we also be open to the promptings and the directions of the Holy Spirit so that God will reveal to us His plans and also enable us to fulfill it.