Tuesday, May 9, 2023

5th Week of Easter, Wednesday, 10-05-2023

Acts 15:1-6 / John 15:1-8  

The wonder of nature has many lessons about life that we can learn from.

And from the wonder of nature, we also get a glimpse of the mysterious ways of God.

God, who is the Creator of nature, has also put an order into creation.

And God is also the God of life and the order of nature and order of life is in His hands.

In the gospel, Jesus gives an imagery of the vine and the branches.

That imagery also points to the relationship between Jesus and us.

Jesus says that He is the vine and we are the branches.

Whoever remains in Him bears fruit in plenty; but cut off from Him we can do nothing.

Nature tells us when a branch is cut off from the tree, it is most likely to wither away.

Similarly, when we cut ourselves from Jesus and from the Church, nothing good is going to come out of it.

And to be united with Jesus and His Church, we must also prepared to be pruned.

When we accept the Cross and its challenges, we will bear fruit for God, and it will be fruits of love that will last.