Monday, November 21, 2022

34th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 22-11-2022

Apocalypse 14:14-19 / Luke 21:5-11  

One of the common ways to manipulate someone is to take advantage of that person’s insecurities.

When a person’s insecurities are known, then the next thing will be to create fears based on those insecurities.

That is how scammers operate and that is also how people are conned and deceived.

What Jesus said in the gospel is not just a prediction of what is to come.

It is also to prepare us in expectation that what seems so secure and stable now can just give way and crumble, and the image of not one stone on another says it all.

So it may happen to our family, to our relationships, to our careers, to our health, to our wealth, and to whatever that we hold near and dear.

So when our stability and security is tested and shaken, fear will creep in and even cripple us.

Jesus tells us not to be deceived, not to be frightened and not to fear, but to have faith in Him.

We can only have faith in Jesus, when during peaceful and stable times, we strengthen our relationship with Jesus.

So let us take our prayer seriously and faithfully and keep ourselves close to Jesus always, so that when our lives are shaken and we stumble, Jesus will protect us and save us.