Wednesday, November 30, 2022

1st Week of Advent, Thursday, 01-12-2022

Isaiah 26:1-6 / Matthew 7:21, 24-27        

The four weeks of Advent reminds us that we need to take time out of our busyness to do some reflection.

And because the four weeks can pass by so quickly with many distractions that it is possible that there is no spiritual meaning in Advent at all.

The main point of reflection in Advent is the promise of salvation and its fulfillment in Jesus Christ.

In the 1st reading, the prophet Isaiah looked forward to that day when God will save His people and there will be rejoicing and gladness.

Those who trusted in the Lord and are faithful to Him will be blessed and see the glory of God.

So we have heard the Word of God and His promises.

But we must reflect and meditate on them, just as Jesus said that a sensible man would build his house on rock.

When we make time this Advent to reflect and meditate on God’s Word and His gift of salvation, then we will be prepared to welcome Jesus into the home of our hearts.