Thursday, November 17, 2022

33rd Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 18-11-2022

Apocalypse 10:8-11 / Luke 19:45-48 

In the long history of the Church, which is more than 2000 years, many things and practices have changed.

From how the Church started in Jerusalem, to the universal Church all over the world, there is diversity and yet there is unity.

So there are different languages for worship and different devotional practices in different cultures.

But no matter how diverse the Church is, the unifying factor is in the place of worship and the religious attitude of the faithful.

The place of worship is understood as the House of God, a House of prayer, and we come before God as a people of prayer.

In the House of God, the Eucharist is celebrated, and the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross is renewed.

So, what is not worthy to be at the foot of the Cross is not worthy to be placed in the House of God.

We are also the living stones that build up the House of God; God makes His home in us.

Let us live lives that are worthy of the Cross of Christ, so that as we come to the House of God for prayer and worship, the House of God will be a sign of salvation for all peoples.