Wednesday, November 9, 2022

32nd Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 10-11-2022

Philemon 7-20 / Luke 17:20-25     

Human beings are social beings.

And as social beings we form relationships with one another.

And these relationships become meaningful and enriching when there is communication and understanding, care and kindness, and all those beautiful human aspects.

But life becomes complicated and difficult when people forget the priority of human relationship and slide in mechanical transactions.

By mechanical transactions, we are talking about productivity, efficiency and effectiveness, which are usually measure in numbers and quantity.

In the 1st reading, when St. Paul appealed to Philemon for Onesimus, he had recourse to relationships.

There was the relationship between him and Philemon, between him and Onesimus, and also between Philemon and Onesimus.

It was upon these relationships that St. Paul believed that the matter would be resolved between Philemon and Onesimus.

God entered into a relationship with humanity by sending His only Son to teach us how to love God and to love others.

Let us place this love relationship first and above all other things, so that we can be truly human and be who God wants us to be.